haha, you guys don't see it yet. Why do you think the reptiles feel they need to run third party to take down TRUMP? Because they are legitimately scared that unless they do, he will beat Hillary! The easiest route out of this situation is to let TRUMP be the nominee, do nothing to support him, watch him lose, and hope he goes away for a while. But if you aren't confident he will lose, now you have to take extraordinary steps that will fracture the party. If they broker the convention and kick TRUMP out of the nomination, how many voters does he take with him? What effect will this have on house and senate races across the ticket? Maybe the reptiles can afford to throw the presidency but they can't have half the party now showing up for the senate and house races. Maybe they leave TRUMP and run a candidate of their own as a third party, a risky move thats akin to leaving a bear in your house and hoping the problem has solved itself by the time you get back. The bear may be gone but your house will be ruined. TRUMP has punched the reptiles right in the balls and they have no good options at this point, they have set themselves back at least 4 years, maybe longer.
Hillary better watch out, TRUMP will start a revolt in her party too if she isn't careful.