by exploited » Thu Mar 24, 2016 6:54 pm
A sovereign investment fund is part of any long-term solution to North America's financial problems. A nation needs a saving account, and it should return a fairly predictable profit every year. This can be used to deal with the shocks of free market systems, without requiring additional taxation. It can also be used to stabilize markets. Make the principal sacrosanct, and then place clear and indisputable limits on when profits can be pulled out, and to what extent. Make it 100% transparent, and run by independent authority. If you were to use Medius' system for ten years, and then invest the money, in another ten years, you'd have at least $400-500 billion in interest. And if everything else goes, you at least have your principal.
It's a start, and the results are exponential.
We should move towards a guaranteed minimum income, but I don't think it's realistic at this time. We need too much investment. Lay down fiber-optic internet to every part of the country, and make it so cheap it's basically free. Invest in automated driving and make it the reality by 2030. Dump money into energy and space programs, with all results property of their respective government, and leased for a decent profit.
Sustainability is what we need, and the best part of that agenda is that almost anyone can agree with it.