by Indy » Tue Apr 05, 2016 10:23 am
Right. Global warming as hoax. All these scientists, and NASA, and the Pentagon, and insurers, and meteorologists, and not just here but worldwide, have engaged in a massive... hoax... because they're slaves to ultra-liberals ("the radical left") in the United States. And they've all willingly participated in this conspiracy/hoax... for what again? Oh right: Because Liberals. Or something.
Nothing is a credibility-shredder more than climate change denial. Back to your point on polarization--there wouldn't even be any denial were it not for, yup, The Party, who politicized it on purpose because Biiiig Energy and polluters own them. Even though it's a suicide pact.
It's not "both sides" becoming more polarized, it's The Party that's gone completely radical and plutocratic, and pulled the entire country to the right where now even being a moderate is considered by them to be surrender, or a slur.
Or, where something like climate change denial is embraced because it's allegedly "liberal" and we can't ever bow to the infidels.