by John Galt » Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:30 pm
Rogue One: It was a decent movie
the good:
it was set in star wars universe but wasn't a "Star wars" movie. that is, no more cheesy transitions. it's got a darker tone. it helps explain the absolutely retarded plot point of a new hope as to why there was an achilles' heel in the death star. it had limited fantasy elements. it had departure from the same story at least in some regards. there was still a child-tries-to-redeem-parent aspect but in this case it wasn't really the same way as the parent already was trying to do it themselves. the ultimate battle was pretty cool.
the bad:
i didn't really care for the main characters. the robot voiced by alan turdyk was the best character, and the blind asian guy was second best, but the main characters? don't care.
the ugly:
some of tarkin's cgi was pretty bad but they did a pretty damn good job. forest whittiker's character was pretty much pointless. i don't know why goldfish are the admirals of the fleet
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.