Case after I threw in the psu. hdd goes in the back left which i did after

Put the processor in and locked it. Added thermal paste

Stuck that huge fan on. Probably the third trickiest part.

Added the two case fans, put in ssd, plugged everything in. This is where i had the second biggest issue. I couldn't figure out where the POWER SW cable plugged into the motherboard, so the whole thing would power on except for the power on button. Took me half an hour to figure out why it wouldn't boot. I also unplugged the USB 3.1 cable connecting the two usb 3.1s at the top of the case, and couldn't get it to plug in. So those two at the top don't work. I will fix this when i put in gfx.

Aside from that everything started up fine. BIOS looks good, temp is low 30's which i think is good but who knows. Recognised all the disks and ram. Biggest issue i had was creating a bootable USB for Windows on my laptop. The laptop fell asleep in the middle of the writing process and bricked my USB. I never did figure out how to write it properly, i went and used an old mac laptop without the updates which still had the software to make a bootable usb. Took me more time to do this than everything else combined. ~8 hours total.
Can't wait for BF1! The RIGGG is coming for u libs!