by ToddStarnes » Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:15 pm
Eh, I dunno. The last minute rescue scene with the Knights of the Vale showing up is played out generally and even just within the confines of this show. The battle scene between Snow's armies and Bolton's was contrived (how did they envelope them that quickly and why did Snow's army, battered as it was, just chill and wait for certain death?).
Same with the battle between Mereen and the Masters' armies in terms of the last minute rescue. That trick could have been played out just based on this one episode! Also, the battle was too orderly and neat. The leaders organize a parlay almost instantaneously on Daenerys's return and then watch the battle neatly and summarily wrap up? Nah. I know, it's a show about dragons, etc., so obviously realistic is out of the window. But in the early seasons you felt the sense of story and perilousness in each situation. Ned Stark walking among the enemies, blithely unaware of what he was facing. The pacing of Arya's and Sansa's development and how their characters were forced to evolve as a result. Robb Stark's storyline was similar, and messy, and unpredictable.
The recent seasons just aren't. It's like everything is plodding along and making sure they check a box in the march to the conclusion. This isn't unprecedented at all in storylines of this type on TV, but it's a trap I'm disappointed to see an HBO production fall into.
And the dialogue. My god the f**k dialogue. Daenerys and Yara. Ugh. f**k horrid.