people are morbid.
we used to watch people fight to the death. fight to death because they were slaves. then we became more civilized and they were only fighting to death because they demanded trial by combat. then we phased that out and just had public executions. but we all wanted to watch.
so now, when we're the most peaceful, least crime ridden society ever, when something happens 1500 miles away from me i hear about it on the news and debate about it on the online forum where some people think it's an indication of stuff becoming worse. but it's not. what hasn't changed though is the morbid curiosity of humans. so these types of things sells, it sells higher than sex: we've all, comrade excluded, experienced sex, but none of us have experienced death. it's not our fascination with violence, i think it's the fascination with death. violence allows for it to come unexpectedly and suddenly and stokes fears about our own death. because lets be honest, the amount you actually care about these people is similar to the amount you care about if your coffee was slightly off in temperature three days ago. it is really just about their own fears of their own death