yeah you're right. even JEB! would have been tearing into her over this in a real way, just hitting on how she couldn't be trusted to do the last government job she had because of her incompetence
HOWEVER, trump's message is that there must be an outsider because the system itself is broken. so why you see it as conspiracy he's stating this is just normal operating procedure for the political elite. and frankly he's not entirely wrong. the fbi even said as much, that if this was a different person it could have turned out differently. but it's hilldog, the presumptive nominee.
yes, to a normal person in a normal year, it would all be about her gross incompetence. they would just play and play the fbi's statements in ads until the republicans won. and probably after because republicans despise her. but this is trump and so his campaign is centered on outsider maverickery so thats the message hes hammering home. not that clinton was almost charged and the fbi was really careful because they didn't want recommend charges if they weren't 100% confident of a conviction, but, she did a lot of wrong stuff and we all know it, here's a clip of the FBI saying she was really bad. no no no no. they put the message that she was let off because of her status. because that's how it always goes in washington. the political elite who control everything get their way. again, trump isn't entirely off base here, and in general he's right* (e.g., congressmen's portfolios average better than people convicted of insider trading). and this speaks volumes to part of the population that feels entirely disenfranchised. you don't think they number enough to win, but, of course, you also didn't think they numbered enough to brexit. it's the same type of people, by and large, and if they come out to vote, god have mercy on this country
*and of course he's a conman who at best wants in on all that shit. i saw a liberal fantasy article in the NYT how he's going to find an excuse to drop out because he doesn't actually want to win he's been doing it for celebrity and is amazed his conjob hasn't been unmasked for what it is. but i think it is fantasy as the truth is so bad people are in panic mode ... .html?_r=0 STILL it would be amazing if he was gone between his win on Nov 8 and the date the electoral college meets on dec 19. holy f**k it would be amazing. alas. i do not think it will come to pass.
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.