by exploited » Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:12 pm
That's true Dylan. But there is also room for emotions in decision-making, and if people jumping from the Towers didn't do it, if the piles of gay boys on the dance floor didn't do it, if people with broken limbs lying on the street bleeding to death doesn't do it... well... I can guarantee something else will, inevitably.
The liberal has been warned about this for years... That there would be a hardening of hearts. You guys denied it, said that these attacks were just the "new normal," life would move on. Well, guess what? The jihadists aren't moving on, and their attacks will increase, not decrease. The rise of rightwing nationalism is not taking place in a vacuum, and as these small-scale attacks go from quarterly to monthly to weekly, it is hard to fathom what we might do.