Sen. Tim Kaine as Hillary VP

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Re: Sen. Tim Kaine as Hillary VP

Postby John Galt » Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:24 pm

it's certainly not a "partisan" thing, at least, in terms of GOP v Dems. it's a bunch of populist anger that trump knows how to funnel. in his acceptance speech he says he knows the game, and that's why he's the only one that can fix it for all of you. it's not just about the politics, it's his personality as well that is magnetic to a type of people who feel disaffected. and because of that concoction they ignore stuff. note the thread i had on the emails, spacemonkey brings up cruz' "broken pledge" and then ignores the fact trump said months ago not only would he not hold cruz to it but he himself would not honor the pledge, and for reasons of it being "unfair" against him. cruz, on the other hand, said he would not be some whipped cur and kiss the ring on a man who insulted his wife and said his father had something to do with the JFK assassination. now the fallout of that has a lot of people acting "partisan" (e.g., hannity) because trump is the GOP nominee (ergo everything bad they had said about Obama's personality is no longer talked about in regards to Trump, who has all the same faults but magnified to be far worse), but the trumpolites are not really acting in that way. they are already true believers
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