Only time I ever got to vote for someone was Obama in 2008. The rest of the time its been about voting against the other guy. After Bush, I didn't think it possible to loath a candidate to such a completely over the top and irrational degree. Every single thing wrong with Clinton is also wrong with Trump, but to a greater degree. Clinton gets torhed for it, Trump practically gets applauded for it. Its irrational, but an interesting and I fear easily explained double standard. Its extremely easy to burn down Clinton, but Trump is pretty much a national humiliation. And an international laughing stock. He's not a McCain, or a Romney, where you hate the guy's policy but don't actually question his basic value as a human being. He is a goddamn psychotic loony toon. The parties don't matter. Trump is a lifelong Democrat pretending to be a Republican. Who gives a shit about the parties? This is about an entirely unqualfied scared shitless little wimp who's accomplished nothing in all his years with other people's lives in his hands. The biggest do nothing kitty to ever run for office.
My state is going blue. As long as that seems a sure thing, it doesn't matter how I vote. Writing in Sanders.
(Will be embarrassing if a bunch of other people have the same idea and we end up in effect electing Trump. Life is funny sometimes.)