You know, Spacemonkey, fun as it is watching you repeat this stuff while working so hard to remain willfully oblivious to the world around should know that you can simply google literally any Clinton scandal you'd like, and you'll find all the media coverage of it from every outlet. You pretend like there is some dark conspiracy to cover up Clinton issues...but the reality is that we've been watching the MSM cover all of this for literally years. They've been ranting about emails and benghazi and bla bla bla for so long I've just tuned it to white noise status.
As for internet tin foil hat business about Clinton literally shooting people in the head...well...the reason that sort of thing isn't covered is because its about as legitimate as claiming the world is flat or that Elvis manages a Home Depot in Kansas City.
Have you seriously not noticed that the single largest media outlet is also the most biased one?