by Boris Johnson » Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:06 am
Ok remember when I mocked you for thinking american psycho was a good life guide.
I'm actually moderately worried now.
Just to make it 100% clear saz, you do not have psychopathy and no thats not a good thing.
How do I know this? I've actually 'known' a legit one. They don't feel joy (and this is the big thing that really marks it out from "my life sucks, i hate people, f**k people, f**k the world, I justify my existence on success. I'm right everyone else is wrong." Which is just chronic depression talking with a smattering of narcissistic personality disorder), the only thing that works in them is the fight or flight response. No complex emotions, because thats where our morality largely comes from. That I think is what is going neurologically wrong. This person in question, he caused an immense amount of harm, immense simply because people had to live with him and he had essentially no emotions, but on the face of it only appeared to exhibit depression or rage.
For every high functioning one, who just so happens has his goals line up in a vaguely non-sociopathic way. Theres two who don't. Which is why its a mental health issue plain and simple.
And The 'high functioning' ones tend to be those born into fairly wealthy (not just middle class) backgrounds as they have to crush less people and less severely to get their goals. There also a hell of lot rarer than I think modern pop-psychology is making out (remember the golden rule of reporting or writing generally, story>truth). I'd be wary as hell of anything suggesting the incidence is more than 1:100,000 to 1:200,000, maybe at a push 1:50,000. I've also read quite a lot of the litrature on it, and there really is a serious lack of the hard data on the matter (i.e they have little to no idea what causes it and the diagnostic criteria are very hard to apply, often so only to a person after they have killed many people and shown no remorse. Even then that can often be seen as equivalent to it, but its not.) Post-hoc rationalisations can be powerful things indeed, they are not the same as literally having no emotions and no ability to sympathise with anyone who does (in my opinion the best high level psychological description of psychopathy).
You really need to be carefully how far you start pushing this rationalisation. All rivalry aside and shit, you're moving into dangerous territory here. Anyone who starts to idealise a mental illness, well. Very worrying. As it will quite likely cause one or seriously exacerbate any existing conditions. I've seen enough of dealing with mental illness in personal experience now to fear it more than any physical one. I think in a world where we largely only deal with mild depression (as thats the above and beyond common one) and see highly fictionalised version of bi-polarity on the tv, well, IRL its all a hell of alot worse.
Of course if i'm wrong here I apologise. But this is important here, really.. really not something to idealise.