to be fair to the spaced monkey, he already stated that automated factories ought be taxed. then you said, "hey BILL GATES said something about taxing robots. So what do? SO WHAT DO?"
like, i honestly don't understand what you are asking him to answer, mainly because the question you asked repeatedly is a sentence fragment, "so what do?". i think he wants to tax robots, but i also think this is punitive so that people will hire humans instead rather than tax so we can live like hedonismbot
luddites have, time and time again, said this same nonsense. when this great country was founded by spreading the blood of patriots and tyrants, the population was overwhelming agrarian: roughly 90%. technology has improved this down to around 2%. yet one must ask, are the rest of us not working as the luddites would warn of, or have we found gainful employment doing other things? so too will we find gainful endeavors in our glorious transhuman future. and in these next few decades we can look back to those pioneering times when our forefathers from england rounded up all the undesirables and shipped them off to america, canada, and australia: the asteroid belt awaits, son