None at all.
We arent talking about some tiny 3rd world country where intelligence can operate in the shadows to decide the outcome. Even if Russia dumped its ass all over the continental US to effect the elections, it still wouldnt hold a candle to the entrenched electoral system with all of its perversions, billions spent domestically, gerrymandering, etc, etc, etc. I spent 5yrs banging my head against the wall for Ron Paul inside the RNC delegate process, rules mean nothing if it doesnt serve the directives. Never mind the vastness of the election day itself, that even Obama getting the unlimited resources of the DHS involved couldnt contend with. I would be surprised if Russia did get involved in the shadows at scale when they could have easily gone the China/Saudi route and done it openly. Hell, Hillary won all of the population centers where Russia could have made the most impact with its limited theoretical influence.
The exercise in absurdity however gives me pause. Countless millions worth of government resources, and millions of pawns parroting the megaphone narrative is proof positive that political hysteria is still a thing in the 21st century. Where illiteracy is not measured by if you can read or write, rather who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn with the access to the human knowledge base at moments notice. Honestly i am encouraged that the establishment chose this Russian cut out instead of something more tangible as its will easily be tossed aside as a silly historical footnote. It feeds into this new era where truth matters, even for people like yourself its beginning to matter. Im sure that made you cross eyed, but its important to note that just 7 months earlier we existed in a society that almost exclusively paid lip service to truth (no matter how misguided it was) but operated in the political sphere chained to ideological boxes. Now that its clear to most thinking people that there are parallel universes, the official narrative, and the truth stream, now people actually care to seek out the truth regardless of what emotions they might conjure up. As the fringes continue to commit political seppuku it only drives more people into the path of original discovery, the greatest teacher of them all.
Back to this Russia thing, its nonsense, when the real election issues continue to be silent in the town halls and general consensus. Its not that dissimilar with what we are seeing with the absolute retardification of the environmental debate. There is far to much time spent on cow farts and how people organize their trash, and not enough time spent on things like safe nuclear technologies and removing the the blockade on free market solutions. Most of this is due to the desire of the existing control freak system, and how it has no motives to follow through with progress, because the masses will acclimate to the will of its power,... or die. Russia makes for a convenient enemy as people have become apathetic and displeased with the WoT, but makes it politically expedient for the power base to become relevant in the public mind again.