by uebermann » Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:26 am
Well, it one of the better DCU movies, probably behind the 3 BatBales or at least up there with 1&3.
I had some problems with the dialogue though, and some of her actions. She didn't act very Amazonian at all when first meeting Pine's character. Like when he's trying to protect her and giving her orders...really what she should have done was told him to eff off and then handle the situation as she normally would have under attack. I didn't feel it fit with the character at all. Once they left Themyscira, I could understand her taking a bit more of a backseat role until getting to the battlefield as she was completely out of her element. Not a huge f**k in terms of movie f**k, but I felt it took away from the character quite a bit early on in the movie and left me a bit sour. Still enjoyed the flick overall for sure and wasn't bored like I was with Superman and BvS. DCU character development still needs a lot of work because I didn't give 2 shits about Pine's character or his buddies. I cared more about the civilians from the town than I did about the rest of them.
Also, f**k the DCU movies with their "lets-make-everything-dark" filter they use. I think this movie would have looked at least 10x better if they removed their shitty filter and actually had some f**k color in it. But its the DCU and they just have to do everything as stupid as possible.