by exploited » Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:07 pm
I think that's probably true. I don't see him finishing out four years.
It would be a shame if he died as an exit strategy though. I actually feel really bad for Donald Trump - he is clearly being used and abused by extremely powerful and unethical people.
That said, I see no good way out of this unless Donald Trump is removed from office. Not by dying, but by legal process. If he dies he will just become a martyr to the next generation of retards, and while I really don't want to see anybody subject to that kind of disgrace (even Donald Trump)... yeah.
As an outsider looking in, if he isn't removed in that manner, you can kiss any chance of your republic goodbye. I truly mean that. Trump is make or break for the US, and it is entirely up to you guys to figure this out before the damage is irreversible. Given four years, his handlers will gut every civic institution in the US, and it will take decades to repair the damage (especially given political polarization).
I know everytime the US does something unpopular or has a politician the world doesn't like, you hear this, but I'm actually fearful for the future of Western civilization if he finishes out his term. Not like Trump is gonna finish one term and the world will fall apart, more like "the beginning of the end."