Here, let's put this in starker terms: ... ansparency
Lee Spieckerman, the former presidential campaign advisor to Newt Gingrich, is on this show. What he does is so blatant and retarded but listen to some of the callers: they believe his shit or completely disregard it. But you realize what he's arguing right? You have Jill Wine-Banks, former Watergate special prosecutor and Former general counsel of the U.S. Army from 1977-1980 telling you that if the story pans out and the evidence as presented is factual then a crime has been committed. Then you have Lee Spieckerman arguing that absolutely no crime has been committed and then he goes on to lambast the DNC, Hillary, and Obama instead of sticking to what the whole hour is actually dedicated to.
You have members of the right now attempting to undermine the rule of law. If you're cool with it then that's fine but consider this: an environment is being created where the left as well as the right will see it more in their interest to ignore the rule of law in order to win.