It has been like this for decades, I'm not sure why you're just figuring it out.
Nixon. Reagan. Bush. Bush II. Trump.
These are the people who the GOP has elected for President. Look at that group. You have Nixon, who basically committed treason during the Vietnam War, and then moved to Watergate. You have Reagan with Iran-Contra and the deliberate murder of the middle class. Bush Sr. was moderately okay but pushed the same hateful domestic agenda as every other Republican President. Then you have Bush II and Trump, and their monstrosity needn't be reviewed. And the sad part is that, with the exception of Bush II and Trump, all of these Presidents were more capable and intelligent than their allies in Congress. Even Reagan with Alzheimers had more basic smarts than half the f**k GOP legislature.
The only difference, really, is that modern Republicans are open about their treasonous inclinations and stupidity.