by Spider » Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:06 pm
...and? For the millionth time: Crying "What about that other guy?" like a whiny bitch is not an argument.
The point is that these little pussies from the local wannabe KKK or Nazi Bake Sale Organization don't know what free speech is. They think "free speech" is under attack because everyone else laughs and mocks and chants insults at them. They think free speech is freedom from criticism, from blow back, and from mockery and counter expression. They think other people have to respect their opinion. They think other people need to politely sit quietly and let them spout their ignorant nonsense. This is wrong. All wrong.
"Free speech" rally. LOL! Halfwits need to spend 10 seconds googling if they can't be bothered to crack a book.