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Houston is under water • Page 4 • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Houston is under water

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Re: Houston is under water

Postby John Galt » Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:14 pm

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Re: Houston is under water

Postby Kane » Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:31 pm

I just wish invoking climate change didn't elicit an immediate response of anger from everybody not convinced by the science.

https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environm ... ate-change
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Re: Houston is under water

Postby John Galt » Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:14 pm

and there you go, calling me a denier because i question the lack of evidence regarding to spawning hurricanes. i'm not denying climate change, i'm stating that if you want to fix climate change don't claim everything is caused by climate change

the more you post Vox articles ad naseum the more i find Vox to be Fox, 'splaining the news so you don't have to do anything thinking for you'self

the critical piece of information in there, the quote by Mann that states the water is warmer, has zero amounts of data from zero links. when i looked at NOAA data that i already posted it looked to be average or cooler. you can look at the data yourself
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Re: Houston is under water

Postby Kane » Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:21 pm

What about the increase in the amount of moisture in the air? The temps quoted by Mann are sea surface temps and those that you provided earlier are just average water temps. From where are those readings gleaned?

Bear with me here, looking at data sets on my phone isn't fun to me.
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Re: Houston is under water

Postby Spider » Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:34 pm

It's anecdotal, but I've noticed in the sailing community that people have been commenting on passage making seasons being shorter, weather being a bit less predictable on the tracking systems, and an increase in the magnitude of weather encountered offshore. This comes from those who've been sailing the world for decades...and being sailors, they are possible the most intensely observant of the weather of any group of people. Again...anecdotal...but an increase in the amount of energy in the system would logically be consistent with changes in the weather...particularly tropical storms.

Before anyone freaks out, I'm not calling anyone deniers of climate change. Considering how unbelievably f**k stupid climate change deniers actually are, that would be a pretty serious insult. I'm simply suggesting that perhaps the knee-jerk reaction of "THIS ISN'T RELATED TO CLIMATE CHANGE!" isn't terribly constructive. I'm a bit irritated that people feel the need to instantly preempt with that.
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Re: Houston is under water

Postby John Galt » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:30 pm

here's hurricanes and major hurricanes over last 70 years


bear in mind that it wasn't until the 80s that we really had good satellite coverage so some storms before that might not have been registered

there is a slight uptick peaking 10 years ago but i'm not sure we can really say it's related

you can look at watervapor here. it's hard to tell, and i don't know of actual data that can show it but it looks about the same this year as in 2013 when there were basically no hurricanes

https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Globa ... 2_M_SKY_WV

"THIS IS RELATED TO CLIMATE CHANGE" isn't terribly constructive either. with or without climate change, these storms will happen. PERHAPS they are slightly more frequent, perhaps not, because of climate change, but this is by no means settled. so regardless of climate change, wouldn't it be prudent to prepare for these storms, which happen regardless of climate change and have happened since before humans were around? i think so. so why even bring climate change up? all you do is make enemies.
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Re: Houston is under water

Postby Saz » Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:37 am

lmao Kane and Spider never not wrong. Hurricanes happen, if anything the weird thing is how quiet they have been as of late.

The problem is we have national flood insurance. People keep building and moving to hurricane prone areas and then shoving off their losses onto the taxpayer. Fortunately many parts of Houston currently under 10 feet of water are not covered by the program, so maybe people will learn their lesson. Very doubtful though. Seems as if the energy infrastructure is holding up well though - but they really need to clear the channel because the refineries are useless if you can't get ships in. Funny how half the city can be underwater but we can be fully confident that Exxon has their shit together. FWIW none of my friends who live in houston have experienced any flooding. I was really hoping their power would go out before the fantasy draft, but alas, no such luck.

Miami is literally begging to be wiped away. Oddly enough the area I'm from should be a prime hurricane target, and yet hasn't had a serious storm in centuries. very very odd, but if one every comes the entire metro area will literally be under 20 feet of water, so go figure. Actually should probably check to make sure my parents are fully insured...boggles the mind how people can live without insurance anywhere on the gulf coast. I have insurance and I have no possessions of significant value and live in an area that hasn't had a natural disaster since the last ice age.

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Re: Houston is under water

Postby John Galt » Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:50 am

yeah the government should not be involved in flood insurance. one important thing to note is the national flood insurance program expires next month... but people get emotional and i'm guessing it will continue to exist... they need to phase it out

the government SHOULD be involved in flood mitigation through infrastructurebut it shouldn't encourage people to live in flood plains by giving them discount insurance. that just kills people in the end
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Re: Houston is under water

Postby Saz » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:09 am


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Re: Houston is under water

Postby Gremlin » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:21 am

My kids have been playing with the pool toys in the street. Only thing to watch out for is the fireart islands. Good times.
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