by exploited » Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:28 pm
I have a pretty good understanding of federalism, actually, considering that the Canadian system is the most effective and well-designed federalist government on the planet. In every aspect this government is superior, Constitutionally, to that of the United States. This has been the case since 1867 - thanks in large part to Sir John A. McDonalds' recognition of all that went wrong in your own constitutional processes.
As for it being effective, again, I have pointed to numerous examples showing it to be not effective. All of the examples I've provided rotate around the idea of sovereign states, the choice of what powers are enumerated for the federal government and what powers are not, etc.
The point of saying that it could have gone another way is to show the fundamental weakness of the design. When it is entirely conceivable that the federal government would be restricted from regulating mining, manufacturing or services (as it was for over a century), that suggests a serious error or omission. There is no way to really avoid that conclusion, other than to start in on your usual "MURICA" stuff, which in this case took less than three paragraphs.
As for being "upset," I don't know what you mean. I am discussing history because it is fun. If you don't want to discuss this, don't. This doesn't upset me. Further, my suggestion isn't that you "go out on a limb," my suggestion is that the authors of your Constitution made a mistake by not giving the federal government unlimited powers over commerce, from the start, as every other successful liberal democracy in the world has done. It really is that simple. In response you've said "But it all worked out in the end." Which isn't really a response, it is you just getting butthurt because I am correct, yet again.
This is really part of the problem with Americans. You have been utterly brainwashed into believing that your form of government is remarkable, brilliant, etc., when in fact it isn't. It is probably one of the single worst designs the world has ever seen. As far as I can tell, the people who wrote your Constitution were completely unable to engage in any sort of forward thinking about what might happen in the future. If anything, you have succeeded as a country in spite of your government, most certainly not because of it.