by Spider » Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:21 pm
Christ, fstar. The difference, since you seem to be equating these two situations (because "what about....") is that Franken is probably done. And Franken never would have barely squeaked into office in the first place if any of this had been out there. No f**k chance. That photo is worth a million words.
Moore, on the other hand...and leaving aside entirely the differences in magnitude and topic when discussing f**k child probably going to be elected to office anyways...despite his dirty laundry having been front page news for weeks.
The interesting thing is that this says some really bad things about Republican voters. They either don't care that they are voting for pedophilia in high office, or they have been successfully sequestered and are completely disconnected from reality...they have been fed a diet of bullshit about the "liberal media" for decades...and they have now been transitioned over into "fake news" (21st century term for "liberal media") to such an amazing degree that they seriously just disregard reality entirely and do what they are told.
Either way, they are f**k garbage, and it simply doesn't do to make any excuses for them, or to attempt to defend them by engaging in whataboutism re Franken.
Which is exactly what you're doing. That someone else is shit does nothing at all to lessen or equalize or normalize or excuse a f**k pedophile, fstar, so please, explain to me your rationale for trying to deflect from Moore.
You say this isn't about partisan politics? Great. So why even bring up Al Franken, if that's the case? What does Al Franken have to do with Roy Moore, beyond happening to be engaged in some other unrelated scandal and happening to be in another party?
You are so utterly trained into this "us vs them" shit. f**k all of that noise. I couldn't care less what party Moore belongs to...I just want to express my disbelief that even a backwater like Alabama would actually vote for a pedophile for US Senate...and that people like you would tacitly support him by engaging in whataboutism instead of simply condemning him alongside all the other decent folks with something describable as a moral center.