we're talking about the liberty of one overriding the life of another. and this is the fundamental debate, one which you cannot reconcile that other people even can possibly think. i very much understand the personal liberty angle. it's why i can also see the argument for "the liberty to enslave people" as being an argument people actually had, as i find that and an argument for a "liberty to kill people" lines of arguments analogous (both are centered on the idea of ownership of one person over another), and i can sympathize with reasons why people make them.
but the point is people were really making the argument in their heads. they really do feel they were choosing between a child molester and a child murderer. which would you choose? no, can't argue with how they are defining it. it's impossible. can't argue. we're stepping into the shoes of an alabaman voter.. you are given two choices (well 3, you can choose not to choose at all): 1. child molester, likely guilty, if i vote for him it may be interpreted as i am supporting him in what he has personally done but he does deny the allegations so there is that to assuage my conscience, 2. child murder supporter, stated he will continue to support the murder of children, if i vote for him i am voting to support the murder of children, 3. abstain.