by John Galt » Tue Dec 26, 2017 8:52 pm
ahhh gee thanks guys
my family -- my immediate family -- is not dysfunctional, and i would call my immediate family very normal, high middle class (my parents home is paid off, my father is on second career after retiring as an O6, while my mother, a retired professor, tutors kids, and even does pro bono work). same with entire father's side. my mother's side... every story i've ever related had to do with them. and there's a lot of them, but this was no exception.
my sister did f**k up for a while but she's good now. she's expecting her fourth child within a week; her oldest turns 4 in two months. well, i mean she is kinda nuts, just for that (the whole getting pregnant repeatedly thing). but she's not like insane or anything like my mother's brother's and sisters (and my mother at least was for a while, if we're honest). they were all adopted, but they share the same parents who brought them up and f**k them up. i mean, my grandfather -- whom i have one picture with -- my mother didn't even tell him he had two granddaughters because YEAH whatever you think, probably. my dad's side? totally normal. he had blue class parents -- grandma Galt was a goddamn saint who couldn't cook but who was in the military as an officer got her graduate degree before most people get their bachelors and ended up teaching a bunch of goddamn kids at high school, while grandpa Galt was a train engineer. my mom's parent's? well the aforementioned grandfather was a chemical engineer and very well off and ended up just f**k up all those kids. drugs, divorces, poverty, homelessness, seething anger. yeah. whole side is f**k.
anyway, ,y uncle had a fundamental misunderstanding of what net neutrality is and he refuses to listen to anyone else as he is an angry narcissist. so whatever i said didn't really matter, he wanted to talk about how its easier to talk to netflix to raise rates than individual customers... i only brought it up because he said google has "an agenda" and he's not a fan of government regulation but "they should be regulated". basically -- regulate anyone whom he doesn't like. he's probably friends with DJTJr. it's basically like that
also cryptocurriencies are going to collapse. i hope you all got in and out while the getting was good. they are the future, as bubbles pave the wave for that, but these earlier adoptions? get out or lose it all i think
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.