by exploited » Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:37 am
I have no problem with violence done against actual neo-Nazis, so long as it serves a higher purpose, and isn't simply about sucker punching someone for emotional gratification.
I was wholly opposed to any violence prior to Charlottesville. After, it seems sensible for anti-fascist resistance to preemptively engage in violence against Nazis in order to shutdown their rallies or at least intimidate them into peaceful behaviour, because otherwise, they will inevitably cause a greater amount of violence. It is pretty difficult for them to gather at any strength without beating on random minorities, and I'd rather protect one minority than ten Neo-Nazis.
It should be noted that this sort of violence is not really productive in the historical sense - street fights aren't going to prevent the rise of fascism. In fact, they may be counter-productive, because violence on the streets causes authoritarians to advocate for stricter measures and an assertion of authority through police violence. However, properly directed violence with a strategic goal in mind will at least keep people on the street safer, as the police cannot be trusted to fulfill this role anyways (they tend to despise all protestors equally).