Yeah, you understand centrist-libs master plan for the future was:
*Hillary Clinton is elected president.
*We blast the Hamilton sound track and try to high five every black person we see in public.
*Some quasi-fascist Freedom Caucus member who thinks Muslims should be put into internment camps tweets a dumb joke about the taxpayer now being on the hook for providing tampons in the oval office. The most important order of business between now and the inauguration is writing "HOW DARE YOU SIR" open letters to this guy and telling him that we as Americans are better than this.
*Hillary Clinton is sworn in. It's an exciting new day, except just like the last 6 years we can't do anything because Republicans control both branches of Congress and we have absolutely no plan to ever win them back.
*This is fine. As long as we keep winning the white house forever, at least we can hold onto the insufficient half measures on like 2 issues that Obama signed 8 years ago.