by Kane » Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:58 pm
Flynn: Guilty in lying to FBI
Sessions: Recused from Russian investigation
Manafort: Jesus
Gates: About to plea out and cooperate
Papadopolous: Guilty in lying to the FBI - cooperating now
Don Jr: Lied about essence of meeting with Russians (Claims of adoption negotiations are actually indicative of sanctions passed under Obama)
Etc Etc Etc
I'm sorry - but you'd be f**k stupid to take any of these idiots seriously. Kushner - the guy that's queried the intel community for the most information in the entire Trump administration - has a temporary clearance because he can't get his act together and complete a proper SF-86. It's been re-done three times. Typically it's one time and you're out. So yeah, excuse me for failing to give these f**k morons the benefit of the doubt.
Frankly, they would have a more convincing argument if they hadn't f**k up so horribly at coming clean in the first place. It's the impression of impropriety that these f**k continue to flaunt in their flagrant disregard for standards that's driving the media crazy. You know how you fix that?
Stop being a f**k idiot.