So. As further proof that the world is a nightmare where everything is upside down, backward, and there are no consequences for anything that a literal porn star has been on TV detailing her affair with a married trump to the specificity of spanking him with a news magazine with his face on it (it pacified him, apparently)...I have to point out that trump's approval ratings have hit their highest point in a year.
Can you even imagine if Obama had his porn star mistress on 60 Minutes telling us about how he liked to be spanked what the fallout would be?
But nothing matters anymore. Nobody cares. We're looking at the world through a funhouse mirror and it is seriously f**k up. I don't personally care what sort of nasty places Agent Orange sticks it. But I'm seriously concerned when nobody cares and his approval ratings spike. Especially considering that his base is composed of hard right wingers who claim a moral high ground and think they know what's best for everyone else. Somehow an affair with a porn star does nothing at all to phase busy body church ladies and ignorant "family vales" hillbillies. They seem to think this is great. That or they literally believe it's fake news.
Obama would have been blasted out of existence. Trump gets a boost.