by exploited » Thu May 24, 2018 2:18 pm
Here is the big question: why is Saz trying so hard to carry Trump's water? I genuinely don't get it.
Both parties are filled with crooks, but the degree of Republican criminality is unprecedented. This is an entire party built upon disenfranchising both poor and minorities, sabotaging the federal government, destroying America's soft power, denying the civil liberties of women, milking the government teat for all it is worth, and committing acts which would, in a sane system, result in their immediate execution for treason. They are, by any objective measure, the worst major political party in the Western world.
With all that said, why even bother pretending that a "patriotic consensus" can come about? It can't. The only rational response to Republican governance is to take pleasure in their failure, and then to guarantee they never have the opportunity again. As it applies to this issue, Trump failing to meet with Kim is the best possible outcome. The last thing that America should hope for is Trump negotiating a deal with Kim, who is vastly more intelligent and competent than he could ever be.
Now, this is where Saz would say "But Trump isn't negotiating the deal himself!" Which is true, of course. But having Trump anywhere near an authority position over the people actually doing the negotiating is, in itself, a tremendously shitty position for America to be in. The guy is a blathering retard who is awful at deals, and can only hurt any major negotiation he is involved in. If the world were fair, he would be drooling 24/7, so there would be no mistake about it.
Last edited by
exploited on Thu May 24, 2018 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.