by John Galt » Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:07 am
i was listening to NPR about this, and a reporter whom had converted to catholism (who are always the most zealous) investigated a lot of this stuff, and knew about many of these priests before the public and had to be silent because no one would go on the record with him about it and so he had nothing, he lost his faith in the church and left after he determined that the church he had moved to in Dallas had been assigned a problem priest from NYC without telling the church in Dallas about the problem (which was diddling boys). he couldn't bring his children to a place where he didn't know if any of them were safe. anyway, he was talking about stuff and they were mentioning how other priests are blackmailed themselves into silence, for they too are sinners. but he mentioned how it was such moral cowardice on the part of these men of the cloth who willfully ignore things happening around them. even if they themselves were raped in the seminary (which also happens) and have shame, it's still children. jesus christ literally sacrificed himself for others, and they are supposedly walking in his footsteps
i talked to my father (devout catholic) about this briefly. he too listened to the same NPR show. he said "i dunno, i guess maybe i join the Eastern Church, this whole thing is awful". i told him he should.
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.