by John Galt » Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:23 am
eh, it's worse because it doesn't include canada. while i think it is worse becuase of that, the headline makes it seem like the US would be getting a worse deal with mexico, and that's not necessarily true. it raises the tariff-free car standard to 75% of parts produced in north america from 66%. this i would expect would probably be marginal increases in the cost of a north american made car. when i saw the deal was close, i thought his brinkmanship might actually work. if it brings canada back into negotiations and they agree to it, then what? it ends up adding protections for north american workers vs china. to argue against it means you're against labor
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.