by JDHURF » Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:27 pm
Other than Galt no one here really fawned over McCain (Spider was really low-key). The dominant religion in the United States is actually the state religion, so of course all of the state bishops are worshiped, many of whom regardless of denomination.
When actually analyzing this particular instance in detail one must do so within the political context. I cited, for instance, the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform; his attempt, ineffective though it was, to dampen the virulent racism of the GOP base during the '08 campaign; his opposition to the ACA "skinny repeal", even though he later voted for the GOP tax bill which repeals the individual mandate which is foundational to the functioning of the ACA. While McCain had a record of advocating illegal wars of aggression which resulted in the killing of millions of civilians, even immediately after he was released from the Vietnamese torture chamber, the preceding policies cited differentiate him from most of the GOP. This being the case McCain is clearly preferable to a McConnell, Ryan, or some other GOP goon. As I've said, while 99% of his policies were terrible and some were violence of catastrophic proportions, he was one of the better republicans available.
There are going to be republicans in the congress and one must want them to be the best available. I supported Bernie Sanders for the democratic Presidential nomination even after he came out in defense of the drone assassination program which was a great disappointment. Support for Hillary Clinton was also the ethically rational choice given the situation quite apart from the nearly infinite index of horrific policies she helped to orchestrate and support. McCain, for instance, was one of three republicans who was in opposition to the nomination of the torturer Gina Haspel to Director of the CIA. His colleague from Arizona and Rand Paul were the only republicans who voted no (McCain wasn’t able to vote due to the treatment for brain cancer). There were five democrats who voted yes.
One has to give credit to McCain for refusing an early release from the torture chamber in Vietnam until POWs held longer than him were also released. Yet it also must be remembered that he was flying bombing runs over the Vietnamese people in an illegal and immoral war. He also then supported the bombing of Cambodia after he returned which was a wicked piece of evil that helped usher in the Khmer Rouge. As an unrepentant hawk he was a catastrophically dangerous senator.
As I rhetorically asked Philly, now that McCain is gone who do you imagine is going to fill his Senate seat, a progressive?
I actually agree with most of your argument.