You've confused me with Saz. I was responding to his reasonable observations, in response to exploited's pathetic trolling, accordingly. It appears that my sonning you into oblivion has you close to the psychotic break that exploited suffered very long ago. That you've failed to even respond to my most recent response to you, on the topic of McCain, is evidence enough of the preceding. You even admitted as much in your @dril tweet response. May your recovery be soon in coming and very profitable for PCF.
Ironic that the both of you, you and Saz, were banned from PCF years ago before I bounced. I protested the bans and made an OC sig line which Ueber ripped off for his sig line.

He's kept the sig even though he himself washed his hands of this shitshow, dumpster fire of a forum.

There's a few of us still trying to clean this shit up. If anyone could've used a good ol' permaban it's for sure exploited. Nevertheless, to be clear, on general principle I'm opposed to fascist admins, mods, suspensions, and bans. It's a relief in returning to see the fascism of the past dismantled.
It's rare when his trolling doesn't smear shit all over an otherwise decent discussion or debate, sucking the honest energy out. It gives one the sense of an infant black hole.

It's an incredible disservice to the power and majesty of a black hole, but often his trolling depredations do recall the function of a black hole.
Let's hope that at some point exploited manages a recovery, pulls himself up out of the gutter, detoxes from his years of tweeking, and begins to regularly post rationally without such rampant, tweeker frenzied trolling. There's certainly no precedent in his PCF history to justify any significant probability, but nonetheless, let's encourage.