by Saz » Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:01 pm
Hello Homeowners and Plebs,
I have taken much of your advice (except Dylan's) and will try to pull the trigger on something before the end of the year, conditions permitting. I found an inspector who told me about his time in Iraq (first one, not second) and seems to know what he is doing and is backed by a reputable agency. Ready for mortgage pre-approval when the time comes, looking at a rate that moves just below and above 4% for 30 fixed, which is about .5% lower than the usual shit I see so I think it's a clear winner. Probably won't put 20% down. Didn't seem to affect my mortgage rate and I will have plenty of cash to cover contingencies, or I can move on a smaller second property if things develop favorably.
I've scoped out the market and frankly there has been limited movement in either direction for some time now, and prices seem to be getting somewhat softer. Looking at how the market performed here in the last two significant downturns, even if one takes place right after I buy, id lose less equity than I would spend on rent in 2 years (and I wouldn't have to lock in the loss anyway), so unless I'm missing something there seems to be limited downside. Things still actually seem crazy cheap for what I can get - maybe not historically, but for the location and size it's almost comical how good things are compared to other major cities. The more I think about it the more I want to lock something in before that changes. Plus having a landlord is for serfs and I have a feud with mine which gets old quickly after 22.
Further questions to ensure I WILL NOT GET SCREWED:
- Realtors fees. How do they work and how can I get a cut. My understanding is its like 6%, and split 3% with buyer and seller. But If I just use redfin or something and its 1% buyer side fee, I want that two 2% savings, it's not going to seller. Is this possible or how does this work?
- Appraiser/Lawyer. Presumably the real estate agent will know people who can do this but I don't trust them, they have every incentive to f**k me to get a deal though. So how did you go about finding one and whats the proper timing.
- Taxes. Is it appropriate to negotiate for payment of property taxes. Ask would be they gross up the full year (i.e. I send in the assessment and when next annual tax bill comes seller indemnifies me for the full thing).
- How do you go about finding out shit about the HOA. Don't mind an HOA but I would need to be in charge or at least influential to make sure I'm not screwed. I know some you can take over in a week no one does anything, others are like North Korea. Would like to understand these dynamics before signing without making it obvious I'm going to make a play.
- Anything to the Stand Alone v. Townhouse thing? For some reason I have a strong preference for stand alone, only to prevent my neighbor from f**k up my building.