Conservatism is a mental illness, defined by the presence of several symptoms:
1. Negativity bias. As has been shown, "... while liberals were quicker to look at pleasant images, like a happy child or a cute bunny rabbit, conservatives tended to behave oppositely. They’d first inspect threatening and disturbing pictures—things like car wrecks, spiders on faces, and open wounds crawling with maggots—and would also tend to dwell on them for longer (1)." A negativity bias manifests itself in politics based on the potential threats created by "the other." This is why much of the conservative base is obsessed irrational fears - of Muslims, immigrants, vaccinations, scientists, etc.
2. When threatened, conservatives have a higher physiological response (2). This hypersensitivity to threats creates anxiety, which is managed by adopting an ideology that explains and orders the world along familiar and comforting ideological platitudes.
3. Conservatives fear new experiences, compounding the aforementioned hypersensitivity to perceived threats. This also explains why they are so resistant to progressive policies - they are foreign and new, thus invoking fear (2).
4. Conservatives tend to have a larger amygdala, a part of the brain involved in emotional processing, which is known to be reactive to fearful stimuli (3).
5. Conservatives are so fearful, their fear dictates their ability to impose rationality on their thoughts. One study asked conservatives and liberals to imagine a genie, who would grant them a super-power. Half were told this super-power was flying. The other half were told the superpower was invulnerability. When told it was flying, conservatives mirrored the usual positions. When told it was invulnerability, they became
significantly more liberal, with most of them answering similar to Democrats (4). This is a pretty clear indication that cowardice is a defining personality trait of conservatives.
6. Conservatives are significantly more likely to make mistakes when encountered with a change in circumstances or patterns. As cowards with an enlarged amygdala, they were unable to complete a simple task if the information presented changed even slightly (5).
7. Conservatives respond to threatening situations with significantly more aggression (6). This is probably the root cause of most non-gang related violence in the US. Well-armed fat retards with guns, perpetually scared for their lives, family and livelihood, will always shoot first and ask questions later.
8. Children who are described by their teachers as inhibited, indecisive, fearful, rigid, vulnerable and over-controlled are more likely to identify as conservatives. They are more likely to assume guilty intention in others. They are more likely to engage in moralizing, especially in the sexual domain. They are more likely to prefer simple, unambiguous and familiar artwork. They are significantly more likely to hold prejudicial attitudes about race, gender and sexuality (6).
Various studies have tried to take a shot at how much of a persons beliefs are genetically vs. environmentally determined - the common number thrown around is 50%. I strongly suspect that the 50% of people who cannot impose rationality on their own impulses become conservatives. In many ways, it reminds me of former alcoholics - they couldn't control themselves, they couldn't reign in their impulse or delay gratification, and so they destroyed their lives, imposed an abstinence system, and frequently condemn others for having a drink. This is the essence of the conservative mindset - fear, self-loathing and self-imposed stupidity on top of a layer of genetic degeneracy.
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