by John Galt » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:44 am
even if the allegations were true, they are as follows "he was a drunk minor and he grabbed her boob".
in fact, the worst thing that supposedly happened was he was drunk as a minor
even if this was true, if he was doing this as an adult we might have something to talk about. but it seems like he hasn't. i'm not saying "boys will be boys", but i am saying that drunk children should not be held to the same standards as sober adults for their behavior. teenage males are driven by their hormones and the worst he did was grope a girl when he was out of control of his own faculties. i mayhaps groped a girl and she didn't necessarily want it. i dunno, i was f**k wasted. girls mayhaps groped me and i didn't necessarily want it. i don't know, i was f**k wasted. i was an idiot child. there are real good reasons why children in our justice system, unless its a heinous crime, are charged as children. one of them is their privacy should be protected, because they are f**k idiots
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.