by John Galt » Wed Oct 31, 2018 3:13 pm
you didn't even respond to my last post.
the only way tech would move in an evolutionary style of DNA development is through natural selection where copying errors are introduced that can cause issues. it's probably just going to cause NPEs and not anything good though. it certainly, to me, a biology major and computer engineer, does not seem at all the likely way for it to happen, simply because it would take too long; you're talking about million monkeys on a million typewriters. and it has to be monkeys because only after the completion of the singularity does it become intelligent enough to modify itself... at which point we're talking about the classic definition that english professors and mathematicans and dictionaries agree and only a statistically insignificant (ergo irrelevant) portion of the planet disagrees with
we have iterative development to the point of which something is then finally birthed and wholly different than everything that came before it. this is why it is a a supernova (where it is an event). conditions do not happen spontaneously for this to happen. this takes a long time to get to the exact place needed to be to cause the supernova, but it still happens in a flash
i don't think we're even at the cusp of the singularity, we are still a couple decades off. i feel like claiming we have past the singularity is dangerous wishful thinking. the singularity has the possibility to destroy all life on this planet, and the possibility to make us reach the stars. the internet just makes us argue about stuff like why would anyone come up with an idea of an evolving, decades long singularity-- that make no sense: the word "singular" is in the name
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.