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Trumpian deal • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Trumpian deal

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Trumpian deal

Postby reedak » Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:41 am

1. The following are excerpts from the October 30, 2018 Reuters report headlined "Trump says he expects 'great deal' with China, but more tariffs if not".

(Begin excerpts)
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he thinks there will be “a great deal” with China on trade, but warned that he has billions of dollars worth of new tariffs ready to go if a deal isn’t possible.

“I think that we will make a great deal with China and it has to be great, because they’ve drained our country,” Trump told FOX News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle” on Monday....

Bloomberg news reported on Monday that Washington was preparing to announce tariffs on all remaining Chinese imports by early December if talks next month between Trump and his counterpart Xi Jinping fail to ease the trade war....

“And I have $267 billion waiting to go if we can’t make a deal,” Trump said.

Trump has long threatened to impose tariffs on all remaining Chinese imports into the United States if Beijing fails to meet U.S. demands for sweeping changes to Chinese trade, technology transfer and industrial subsidy policies. (End excerpts)

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa- ... SKCN1N40LN

2. Colin Campbell was the politics editor at Business Insider. Previously, he edited the politics section at The New York Observer and before that had his own site focused on Brooklyn politics. The following are excerpts from his November 19, 2015 article headlined "Donald Trump explains the give-and-take of deal-making like only he can".

(Begin excerpts)
Real-estate tycoon Donald Trump has a decidedly Trump-like approach to the give-and-take of deal-making.

“It’s give-and-take,” the Republican presidential front-runner told Business Insider.

He then immediately added: “But it’s gotta be mostly take. Because you can’t give. You gotta mostly take.”.... (End excerpts)

Source: https://www.businessinsider.sg/donald-t ... ?r=US&IR=T

3. Anyone who thinks he can make a "great deal” by using the deal-making tactics of the self-styled "Great Dealmaker" could lose the deal or even bankrupt his own company instead. “You gotta mostly take, “Trump claimed. However, the other party also gotta mostly take. Then what will be the outcome if both sides gotta mostly take?

Such a "gotta be mostly take" or "take all" situation occurs between a wolf and a sheep, or between a robber and the robbed, or between a conqueror and the conquered.

Trump's trade war tactics is a crude way of squeezing an opponent into submission. Long before the talks, he would pressure his opponent with all means, physically and psychologically, into submission. He thus creates a false impression to the outside world that his opponent is not entering into dialogue on an equal footing but is going to him to announce surrender.

4. For sinister intents that are not mentioned, the US launched a trade war against China. Its demands go far beyond the issue of trade deficits. When Trump says he expects a "great deal" with China, he means expecting the Chinese leader to yield to his demands. I suspect that Trump learned his crude deal-making tactics from his bitter experience with wealthy Saudis who bought his assets on the cheap as he veered time and again into bankruptcy. In 1991, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal purchased Trump’s yacht, Trump Princess, after Trump was forced to surrender it to creditors because he was roughly $900 million in debt. Talal’s purchase provided Trump “with desperately needed cash” at the time, according to Newsweek. In 1995, Trump’s lenders pressured him to sell the Plaza Hotel in New York City, which Talal purchased for $325 million, $65 million less than what Trump paid for it in 1988.

In conclusion, I coin the term "Trumpian deal" for Trump's deal-making tactics which can be summed up thus: "Surrender, or else."


Donald Trump's infamous Hitler-style rabble-rousing chants: "Lock her up! Lock her up!"
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