by exploited » Thu Jan 31, 2019 5:30 pm
That is a genuinely illogical response, but I'm used to that on this subject.
Note how, in this thread, I didn't suggest or imply that my taxes should be lowered. Yet your immediate emotional response is to tell me to shut the f**k up and pay my taxes. Which I already do, and will continue to do. Truth is, I don't want lower taxes. I believe my bracket should be higher. I also believe that people within a bracket should be paying more or less the same, with as little deductions as possible. Tax credits encourage constant pandering across the entire population, and significantly diminish the efficiency and fairness of a tax system. They are highly influenced by graft and corruption, and change based on who holds office, with little long-term coherency.
They are a tool to win votes, while proceeding with whatever agenda you want, regardless of how fiscally irresponsible it is.
In the post above your horrendous screed, I even said that I agree there are more pressing deductions to go after first.
The weird part is, you're not even a parent. I get the emotional response when it's your actual money and KID on line. But this is almost like a form of ideo-parental cuckoldry.