by ToddStarnes » Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:58 pm
Actually my offensive point to you jimmy was when i made fun of you for being divorced and said it probably f**k up your kids. Still I am easier on you than ex. You have value as a human being whereas ex is perhaps the greatest waste of a high IQ I have ever come across. I mean all that potential and he just sits in front of a screen all day feeling smug. Smh what a sad state of affairs. Depression and internet addiction are devastating.
I do think I called your grandson a spic once but thats not offensive given context, more amusing turnabout as I am married to a south American mexican. I think your grandson is a mexican mexican. Anyway they are really lovely people, Latinos. Always welcome in America IMO. They like to work hard and dont put their hand out begging like some *other* Americans have been taught to do.