by exploited » Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:07 am
Er... not really sure what you're talking about. Of all the American agencies that the international community doesn't trust, the FAA is not one of them. Once your scientists and investigators have gathered the data - which we trust - and reached a conclusion, Canada will make a decision on whether or not to pull the plane from our fleets. So far, among various Canadian airliners, this plane hasn't had any problems, having flown millions of miles. More likely than a problem with the aircraft is that they aren't being properly maintained by the poor countries where this keeps on happening. We'll know once the investigation is complete.
I mean, yeah, Trump sucks, and faith in the US government is at an all-time low... but this simply doesn't extend to air worthiness. The US created this industry and has set international standards for safety for decades. Outside of pandering to domestic concerns (i.e. hysterical soccer moms scared to get on a plane now) or trying to get an economic boost for your own plane manufacturers, there is zero reason to not trust the FAA in these circumstances. In fact, I'd wager that the FAA has more flight knowledge, institutional safeguards and a sounder record than the agencies of all of these countries combined.
At the very worst, countries are pulling these planes out of, in Mitt Romney's words, "an abundance of caution." There is no reason to imagine it has anything to do with decreasing "faith" in the FAA.