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Democrat contenders: China is biggest threat to US • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Democrat contenders: China is biggest threat to US

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Democrat contenders: China is biggest threat to US

Postby reedak » Wed Jul 24, 2019 12:54 am

1. Several Democratic contenders for the 2020 US presidential election have named China as the biggest geopolitical threat to the United States, amid ongoing strategic clashes between Washington and Beijing over trade and technology....

When debate moderators from broadcaster NBC asked candidates what they considered the greatest geopolitical threat to the US, four of the contenders named China: John Delaney, former congressman in Maryland; Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar; Julian Castro, the former secretary of housing and urban development; and Tim Ryan, congressional representative from Ohio....

Source: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diploma ... ntexchange

2. Donald Trump could be right that any Democrat who unseats him in 2020 would not take a softer stance in the US-Sino trade dispute, or more accurately, geopolitical rivalry. However, China should not be fooled by Trump as seen in the following analogy:

For many years, the monkeys in a zoo dared not climb over a low fence that divided them from the goggling tourists. One day, the zoo owner bought a monkey from overseas as an addition to the tribe.

At first the new monkey was well-behaved and timid like the other primates until he found some children laughing at him and taunting him by waving packets of peanuts and throwing banana skin across the fence. In a fit of anger, the monkey climbed over the fence and attacked the kids. The beast not only managed to snatch away a packet of peanuts from a boy but also wounded his hands. Seeing that the new monkey could get away so easily with the stolen peanuts, the other monkeys followed suit.

All of a sudden, they found the courage to climb over the fence for the first time in many years. They attacked all the tourists on sight with great fury, scratching their bodies and faces mercilessly and snatching away their bags or whatever they had.

Now let us look at the situation from another angle. If the boy managed to overpower the new monkey and taught him a good lesson, the other monkeys would never dare to emulate him by climbing over the fence for the first time in their lives. ;)
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Re: Democrat contenders: China is biggest threat to US

Postby spacemonkey » Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:13 am

Lesson = hanging him in front of the other monkeys? Biggest threat to US is greed/corruption. Both here and abroad.
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