by John Galt » Fri Feb 07, 2020 3:54 pm
the "fire" was reported when the articles of impeachment was handed down from the house. it was his job to do impartial justice. he did his job.
you criticize him for trying to do the rest of his job and not just burning every bridge he had with the administration. he has repeatedly bashed trump over the years, but since he's a mormon he doesn't say things in a mean way. but whatever, apparently not good enough for kane, guy who bashed people for supporting bernie for years in favor of ultimate loser hillary clinton and now is whining that i pointed it out while he bashes someone else for not "doing enough" before, even though his f**k job on this started two weeks ago
the people bashing romney over this, regardless of reasons, fall into two camps: members of the National American Trumpian Conservative Party (the NATC Party) or russian trolls. which are you?
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.