by John Galt » Thu Sep 03, 2020 11:23 am
the voter most certainly can do things like pay more money or less money for things, by voting for representatives to put their interests forward (which, by the way, public employees can do as well). and it isn't "my opinion" about what the purposes of collective bargaining is. collective bargaining is to try and put the interests of labor over that of the boss. in the case of public unions, this means the interests of an extreme minority are placed above that of the boss which happens to be in this case "the people of the united states". they exist to go against the interests of the people; if they did not do this, they wouldn't exist as a union at all.
these people have gaslighted the public into thinking that if they aren't in organized labor to extract money from the people that the people won't pay them and then we won't have these government functions. but this is actually insane, because these are services we agreed to fund. if they don't want to work for the public that's their prerogative. no one is forcing them to do these things
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.