by John Galt » Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:20 am
Since he and the white house are refusing to say when he last tested negative, either Trump lied to the Commission for Debates when he showed up late and said he already had a test that day negative but he actually hadn't had a test in at least several days, or he lied to them and had actually tested positive. Which means he could have been actually trying to infect Biden, to make fun of him for wearing a mask and still getting it, to show him as weak, to claim Biden infected him, and/or to eliminate Biden. And who knows maybe he'd been testing positive for days, and if so he was knowingly infecting the gold star families. He's disparaged them and soldiers before so makes sense for him to do something like that since he cares about no one but himself. It's too bad that the embryonic stem cell research that provided the treatment Trump is taking worked so well, but we can always hope it's just the roids masking the illness
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.