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Delta Variant Chickenpox/ Omicron has entered the Discussion • Page 7 • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Delta Variant Chickenpox/ Omicron has entered the Discussion

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Re: Delta Variant - Chickenpox

Postby Kane » Mon Sep 13, 2021 4:01 pm

"Weird" is the new norm as norms continue to fade away.

GOP might be calculating they can maintain control of legislative branches with voting legislation and current SCOTUS makeup. It'll still blow up in their faces but...we'll see. They don't really want to ban abortions but...they need the problem to continue so that they have something to rile up that base with (specifically fundamentalist evangelicals).

It's good times.
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Re: Delta Variant - Chickenpox

Postby Winchester » Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:56 am

I've been visiting this website to get my schadenfreude fix.


An update to my BIL's mother, she's still in the hospital, it's been like 6 weeks now. I'm pretty sure she's been out of ICU for about a week but they keep delaying sending her home.

It's a mess at my wife's grade school. 7 staff are out, including 3 of the 5 kindergarden teachers so they cancelled kindergarden for at least a week. One of the kindergarden teachers is an anti mask/vaxxer (late 50s and overweight) I'm curious to see how bad she gets it. One of the fifth grade classes is quarantined for a week because their teacher tested positive (she was vaccinated and is well and was only out for 4 days). They can't find near enough substitute teachers as the pay is crappy and a number of the regulars are older and want nothing to do with going into the covid incubator. Ditto for finding enough bus drivers a number of who are older semi-retired folks who want nothing to do with getting on a bus with a bunch of unvaccinated kids.

My wife had a kid who was sent home twice last week because he wasn't feeling well and the god damned grandparents kept sending him back. In the interim his parents were in Vegas both of whom are now home and have tested positive for Covid as well as their older daughter in middle school. I don't know why the damn school board hasn't instituted a policy that if your kid is sent home sick he/she isn't getting back in without a negative covid test or 10 days have passed. My wife is only one of about 3-4 adults in the whole district that wears a mask in their classroom. Insane. So yeah only a matter of time before she gets exposed or gets covid and then me.

And oh, the active cases in our county is at an all time high, sigh.
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Re: Delta Variant - Chickenpox

Postby John Galt » Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:57 pm


most every one of them get a dead cat bounce before they die

they also go out of their way to claim it's not covid, it's the pneumonia or whatever that killed them. you know, all the things that are caused by covid. yeah if there's 5000 cookies and someone at 4999 of them, leaving one last one for one another person, you gonna say that whomever ate the last one "ate all the cookies" aren't you?

btw NPR had a story the other day about your area and lack of substitutes. pretty sure it was around you, somewhere out in the high west with all you lunatics
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Re: Delta Variant - Chickenpox

Postby Winchester » Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:00 am

Saw my BIL yesterday for my dad's b-day. His mother basically can't do anything but lay in bed or her oxygen levels drop. They had her up to do some therapy, made 4 steps and collapsed. He's really pissed that they aren't doing more for her, ie they should be getting her up more and moving around etc. I bit my tongue and didn't say that they are almost assuredly overwhelmed by unvaccinated covid patients.

Anyway while there my sister told me she found out from my niece that my sis's former MIL came down with covid this week (another anti-vaxxer of course). The former MIL's daughter found her at home covered in vomit and shit, took her to the hospital and it sounds like she isn't going to make it. Believe it or not this woman was an even more miserable MIL than my sis's current one.

On a more tragic note, one of my clients came in to pick up the payroll verses his office manager. She was 8 months pregnant and he told me she got covid really bad (again no vax) and lost the baby. They had to remove the dead baby via C-section and life flight her to another hospital.

And oh, our hospital is now nearing crisis care standards, joy. Our county added 43 new cases yesterday and are pushing 150 active cases.
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Re: Delta Variant - Chickenpox

Postby Winchester » Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:13 pm

99% sure this guy who was nominated for a Herman Cain Award is from my hometown. They blocked out the name of the hospital, her town and the town where the hospital is but they left the first letter and it all matches, including the color of the life-flight helicopters that service our area. Then combine it with we have a massive Labor Day Weekend with Rodeo, carnival, shutting the streets downtown so people can drink and party all night.

https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAwar ... _rides_in/
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Re: Delta Variant - Chickenpox

Postby Kane » Sat Sep 25, 2021 2:54 pm

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Re: Delta Variant - Chickenpox

Postby Eternal » Sat Sep 25, 2021 5:24 pm

Don't these people understand that the biggest benefit of Covid vaccination is the free 5G reception :D
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Re: Delta Variant - Chickenpox

Postby Spider » Sat Sep 25, 2021 5:53 pm

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Re: Delta Variant - Chickenpox

Postby Eternal » Sat Sep 25, 2021 6:35 pm

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Re: Delta Variant - Chickenpox

Postby Winchester » Sun Sep 26, 2021 9:36 am

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