by Eternal » Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:18 am
The fact of the matter is that this has been brewing for some time now. Its not just that Biden is weak, America is weak and divided as is the entire west.
Although I'm oversimplifying, from the wests point of view the cold war brought three very different groups of people together, namely the religious, the capitalists and what I would loosely call libertarians (both left & right types).
The religious despised communism because it restricted religious freedoms. The capitalists despised communism because it was against private ownership and the libertarians despised it because, amongst other things, it denied the common man the right to vote. Yes oversimplified I know but the key point is that without the cold war these three groups would have been at each others throats. The cold war gave them a common enemy.
Now everything has changed. The capitalists want to keep the relationship with China working because its all about greed and money. The religious have found a new friend in Russia, with its anti-PC and anti gay rhetoric. That just leaves the libertarians, which have nothing in common with Russia or China, holding the fort for the west.
Until we in the west can re-establish common ground amongst ourselves then we have no chance of holding back either Russia or China.
"The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge" - Bertrand Russell