With Biden's mishandling of international relations it's becoming clearer and clearer that his policies are creating a CRISPY alliance. This is an alliance between China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Yugoslavia.
Saudi Arabia's tension with Iran has eased in recent years. It also signed a deal with China to bypass using the US dollar on oil deals because Biden's trigger happy policies with sanctions.
China just replaced the Navy guy with an Army guy as a top military advisor so the two most senior advisors to Xi Jinping are both Army. This means they care more about military ties with Pakistan on land against India than they do about Taiwan. While Biden is wasting his time on Taiwan, China is building a land bridge through Pakistan to Iran.
Biden is also forcing Russia to sell cheap oil to China by forcing Europe to not buy Russian oil. He's making a stronger alliance between Russia and China inevitable.
Russia and Saudia Arabia are close friends with control of oil reserves. While Trump was trying to keep them close to American influence Biden just push them away.
Countries of Yugoslavia will join Russia because Clinton bombed them. They are also right on the footsteps of Western Europe.
If the CRISPY nations form an alliance to protect themselves from Biden, they would form a landmass that controls most of the world's strategic resources