Well, let's get it off our chests.
1. Slow Turners
You are driving to the Beer Store (or for Americans, just about any store). It's a Wednesday. You told your parents you'd pick up a six-pack for them. On your way there, a young man in a giant, oversized pickup truck begins to turn into the parking lot of a grocery store. A good two hundred feet away, you release the gas, coast, wait for him to turn. He inches forward, tilting his neck so he can focus on the area of slightly elevated concrete that is going to come into contact with his massive 21” tires.
You realize he is taking more time than you anticipated, which is weird, because he first started turning literally five seconds ago. You slow down even more. Finally, he rockets himself over the hump, veering wildly into a spot. You continue on – beer is at stake. When you finally get to the Beer Store, after a stupid f**k pointless redlight, you see Linda, a cool girl who works there, turn the sign from Open to Closed.
Author's Note: My personal response to this has been to start screaming “EXECUTE YOUR TURN!” everytime I encounter a slowturner. It helps.
2. Women who can't walk in high heels, but insist upon wearing them.
Why are you doing this to your feet? Why? Anybody whose ever frequented nightclubs has seen at least a half-dozen wasted girls walking home barefoot. Because they wore those stupid heels. You look hotter wearing flats anyways, because your ankles don't look like they are breaking in a thousand places.
3. Bigots
If you're over the age of 65, you're allowed to be a bigot. I get it. You are old and won't change. If Louis CK can forgive Aunt June, I can forgive you. But if you are between the ages of 0 and 40, and a bigot, I don't like you. I don't care if some dude wants to chop off his dick and dress up like a girl, and then marry the love of his life (also a man). Whatever makes them happy. So long as you aren't raping, assaulting or murdering anyone, I'm a pretty understanding guy.
The worst thing about bigots is that they insist upon boycotting my favourite Sin City franchise.
4. Crappy cars with loud steroes
Don't get me wrong, I like loud music. I go into hardcore whiteboy mode when I drive to the farm – lots of heavy old-school rap, some Transplants, some heavy metal. It is a good way to wakeup.
I just don't understand why you would sink $800 into a system for your 1999 Pontiac Sunfire. It has visible rust, and it is held together more by luck than engineering. But you still foamed in a couple of 15” subs, a 6x9, and if you have any class, some tweets. But guess what? YOU DRIVE A PONTIAC SUNFIRE.